Christoph Paulus, Reinhard Dammann, The European Insolvency and Restructuring Directive (2021)
Ouvrage collectif, Müncherner Kommentar zur Insolvenordnung (MünchKomm-InsO et MünchKomm-Online-InsO), Länderbericht Frankreich, 2021/2022.
Reinhard Dammann, Marc Sénéchal,
Le droit de l’insolvabilité internationale (2018)
Ouvrage collectif, Reinhard Bork et Kristin van Zwieten, Commentary on the European Insolvency Regulation
Second edition (2022)
Hans-Jürgen Sonnenberger,
Reinhard Dammann,
Französisches Handels- und Wirtschaftsrecht (2008)
Ouvrage collectif, Klaus Pannen, Europäische Insolvenzverordnung (2006)
Takeover plan and EU law
Securties interest
Restructuring Directive
This article highlights the key provisions of the draft transposition of Restructuring Directive No. 2019/1023 of 20 June 2019 by the German Government. Indeed, there “race of the transposition” of the Directive in Europe. In the context of a Franco-German reconciliation this draft could inspire the transposition of the directive by the French legislator.
This commentary of the decision handed down by the commercial Chamber of the French Supreme Court of 16 July 2020 deals with the powers of an English administrator in the context of an English insolvency proceeding in order to sell a real estate property located in France, in accordance with the EU Insolvency Regulation 2015/848.